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nternational Bionomics Institute has its own political idea. Our political views are entirely based on the Bioeconomic Analogies Global System. Thanks to the comparative bioeconomic analysis scientists use all over the world we have designed a unique political project (full text of the project can be found in the brochure titled Political bionomics by Igor Flor).

The main idea of the project is following.

The system analysis shows that the level of the world political systems development in the year of 2007 corresponds with that economic equivalent which existed in forms of natural economy. Following the logic of the economic systems development in the certain historical period we should surmise with a certain share of probability that the political systems evolution will develop by a similar scenario. To be exact: political natural economy will inevitably be displaced by forms of political commodity production.

This forecast is one of our many forecasts we easily generate thanks to our comparative bioeconomic analysis. However, lets go on.


Since, we already know the general direction of the extraction pressure towards the world political system, then the only thing we have left to do is to presume the possible forms in which the total result of this pressure will be expressed, as well as possible period of time for which this inevitable global reconstruction may shape.

Actually, there are all prerequisites for the things to start moving. Global changes are about to happen. The global conflicts between different human cultures and between the human society and the nature have become ripe. All people see this but nobody can help.

As a real leader, the International Bionomics Institute has its own thoroughly designed global political project which is brought to attention of all progressive political organizations of the world.

See the text of the Unprecedented political initiative of the International Bionomics Institute below. We will be glad to know your opinion, comments, remarks or criticism regarding this document.


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of the International Bionomics Institute

Our aim is to guarantee combination of the market
relations might with the common values
Kofi Annan,
The Secretary-general of
the United Nations




he Regulations of the International Bionomics Institute say that one of the main tasks of the Institute is participation in practical realization of bionomics achievements. For the sake of salvation of the task the scientists of the Institute is advancing the unique unprecedented initiative (further referred to as Initiative). The main point of Initiative is to organize application of the achievements of science to public service production. However, Ill put it in order.

Comparative bioeconomic analysis, which has been practiced by the scientists of the Institute for more then 20 years, has led to discoveries of new knowledge about the human societys nature and the laws of its development. We have actively been publishing materials about this. Following works may serve as a good example: I. Flor, Bionomics: analysis based on bioeconomic analogies (ISBN 5-88931-037-2), M. Rothschild, Bionomics: economy as ecosystem (ISBN 0-8050-1068-8), A. Popova, I. Generalov, Biological approach to managing economic systems (ISBN 5-88931-022-4).

The present Initiative is endeavor to make a reality of our scientific achievements the way which is regulated by the international legislation. Science must serve the human society, thats why we are addressing all progressively thinking mankind to join and support our Initiative.

Dear colleagues, citizens, friends!

We, the scientists of the International Bionomics Institute, firmly believe that contemporary politics needs a scientific basis and a high professionalism. At the same time, we must admit that professional activity of nations for both national and international affairs does not meet requirements of the III-rd millennium. Our Initiative is due to aspiration for laying the foundation for development of a new culture of international relations in the public service field. We have no doubts that the might of market relations can and must be placed in the service of the global civil society consumers of the public services. We have prepared a number of suggestions for attention of scientific, political and public organizations of the world which practice strict scientific approach in their activity. The measures we suggest are aimed at the public services provision progress acceleration, rooting out all types of corruption, dictatorship, tyranny and incompetence of a government. It is significant that our suggestions not only meet the common principles and norms of the world community concerning human rights but also guarantee further rising of their defense extent. We hope for a serious, open and constructive discussion of our Initiative by all visitors of the site and will be happy if any interested organizations, political parties, initiative groups or any other progressive forces of the world community decide to join it.

Let us briefly state the considerations we follow to express our position.

Common direction of the mankind historical development process is objectively dictated by the laws of evolution. In this respect, the gradual realization of the main democratic principles in the social and economic sphere of the society is objective, natural and inevitable. It is fully confirmed by the comparative bioeconomic analysis. However, a thorough interpretation of the same analysis results leads to a sudden sensational conclusion: it turns out in the human society development history some progressive revolutionary reforms in the law are objectively provided, but despite the societys need in them has already reached crisis point the time for them to start hasnt yet come. The great delay in the democratic process in the most regions of the world is probably happening by exactly that reason. And where the democratic principles have been established, the huge potential remains unusable.

Democratic achievements in the public field of a society is now represented mostly by the natural right of a nation to freely express its own will. This will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections (Article 21(3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). To avoid long details of bioeconomic analysis let me say the main thing: all that is not enough to strictly meet requirements of the bioeconomic analogy standards. We foresee another natural component of the objective democratic process to open in the nearest future. This component is going to guarantee one more natural right of a nation right to freely choose a more advanced model of public service system which was created and tested by another nation. Recognition and guarantee of this right on the international level must break down the world natural economy of public services and provoke a real healthy competition in this most important sphere of a society. This will direct the public systems activity into a strict scientific course and make it universal.

According to all said above, The International Bionomics Institute proclaim the Initiative

to make a project of a public service systems free market
and organize work on its realization

Within the project we:

1. Announce a competition for the best project of the public service systems free market (national and international scales), and welcome all interested scientific organizations and academies of sciences of the world to participate;

2. Set the following foreground tasks:

  • make a text of an article of a Declaration where the natural right of a nation to freely choose and adopt a better public service system, made and tested by an other nation a member of the public service systems market;
  • create a universal system of measuring quality of public service (quality of the final result of public organs activity);
  • make a project of the legislation that is to regulate the public service systems free market work (national and international scales);
  • make a project of the copyright law extension on the public service field;
  • make a project of a holding the public systems free elections procedure (national and international scale);
  • make a project of order of adaptation of elected public system in a body of a new nation, taking into consideration a required period of adaptation and scientific, technical and financial maintenance.

After processing all incoming information, we will prepare a project of The Free Market of Public Service Systems and submit it to the United Nations for consideration.

We ask those who would like to participate in the competition or join the Initiative to let us know about it at our e-mail: bionomica@hotmail.com.
Taking into consideration specific of the tasks we face, we especially hope for the international law experts participation.

We understand that it is extremely difficult task to realize the idea of the free market of public service systems from both economic and juridical point of view. But there is no other objective way for a society to develop (evolve). We believe that the public opinions might armed with advanced knowledge and contemporary communication means such as Internet will finally shake up the medieval basis of the international relations and bring the light of science in contemporary politics.


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